We have been in business for almost 20 years !

Docteur Muriel Cathaud Echlorial

We have been distributing Chlorella eChlorial for almost 20 years !

For me, the adventure began with a friendship with Professor Karl Herman Steinberg, director of a chemistry laboratory at the University of Leipzig in Germany. Our paths crossed for the first time in 1982 at the University of Lyon, where I was preparing my dissertation in the sciences. Despite our very different lives, we became good friends.

A renowned scientist, Professor K. H. Steinberg worked in Germany on the development of a system for the cultivation of microalgae in glass tubes. In addition to his contributions to this unique cultivation method, he worked on the applications for its patent.

His conviction, along with the confidence that I had in him as a friend and a scientist, did not take long to convince me of Chlorella’s value to our health, particularly in the extra pure form it achieves when cultivated with his method.

As a scientist myself, I naturally began to read the literature that had been published on this microalgae while also testing its effects on myself and my close friends and family. I was quickly impressed by its many benefits and further convinced of its value.

In 2002, I accepted an offer to become the distribution representative for German-produced Chlorella in France and all francophone countries.

In August 2014, I finished assembling a scientific bibliography about Chlorella and published it in a short book, Chlorella: Le Super Aliment Santé. Through this long and fascinating project, I became even more convinced of the incredible health benefits that this simple microalgae has to offer.

For more than 15 years, I have been interested in microalgae and Chlorella in particular. During this time, my work and experiences, as well as my countless interactions with many of you, have given me an abundance of knowledge about this incredible plant, and I gladly share my expertise with anyone who is discovering Chlorella for the first time.

I would like to thank all of you for the confidence you have had in me. Many of you have been loyal for quite some time, and with the ease and intimacy of our exchanges, I count you not as my clients, but as my friends.

Infinite thanks for the wonderful relationships we have built over the years in the name of the values we all share: happiness and health!